September 22, 2010
CONTACT: Amy Spitalnick
202.248.5868 (o) / 516.521.0128 (c)
amy@jstreet.orgJ Street Ads in NYT, WSJ Push for Bold Peace Moves
Why is it that when Israel goes to war, its friends in America rally to its side - but when it makes moves for peace, support is much harder to come by? With the settlement deadline approaching, J Street is making clear that broad support exists for bold moves toward peace.
A full-page ad in today's New York Times, as well as ads in the Wall Street Journal and in Jewish newspapers around the country, urge Israeli, Palestinian and American leaders to seize the moment and "Make History Now" by freezing settlement growth and giving talks a chance to succeed.
Responding to Ambassador Oren's call for greater American Jewish support when Israel takes hard steps for peace, J Street's campaign also highlights broad support for bold Israeli moves. Petitions
to Oren, as well as
to Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Abbas, and President Obama, urge the leaders to make the necessary and difficult choices to keep talks alive.
Here's the full text of the ad:
Prime Minister Netanyahu has said he seeks to reach an historic compromise that enables Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace, security and dignity.
President Obama has set the bar appropriately high: A two-state solution within the coming year leading to comprehensive regional peace.
Israel's long-term security and its survival as the democratic, national home of the Jewish people depend on the success of these talks. Success will require leadership, hard decisions and sacrifice - from all the parties.
Extremists will seek to derail the new effort; cynics and pessimists will seek to dismiss it.
We are standing up to say: It is time to end this conflict now.
Join J Street's 160,000 supporters in telling the leaders in the region and here at home to seize this moment.
Freeze settlement growth.
Give these new talks a chance to succeed.