Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Arab Journalists Launch News, Feature and Press Release Wire Service

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Distributed by the www.ArabAmericanNewsWire.com

Arab Journalists Launch News, Feature and Press Release Wire Service
Radio Baladi and NAAJA.com have partnered to launch the new Arab American News Wire
AANW will feature news stories, feature stories and press releases that you can reprint free of charge with attribution to the original sources. All material is copyright the authors.
We are hoping that through the National Arab American Journalists Association (which is establishing a not-for-profit foundation) to begin paying individual writers around the country to contribute original content news and features.
We accept all press releases related to the American Arab and Muslim American community.
We do not publish opinion commentary or columns on the site and we review and accept or reject news and features based on professional journalism writing styles.
You can submit a news or feature from your newspaper or magazine for distribution. Include the TITLE, BYLINE, BODY of the story and a shirttail (final line that identifies you in under 3 lines in parenthesis). You can add a contact email and web site at the end of the story also.
It’s a great way to promote your publication and media.
We met with leaders of two dozen American Arab organizations in Dearborn this past week where we received their support and their endorsement for this project. We will be hosting a journalism conference in MARCH 2011 in Dearborn. We will provide all the details in upcoming emails.
Please visit the web site and contribute news, features and your community press releases to the site.
eFax 708-575-9078