Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Shaheen Journalism Scholarships for 2005-2006 applications sought

IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR YOUR NEWSLETTER, MAGAZINE OR WEBSITE.PLEASE USE THIS INFORMATION THROUGH MARCH 2006.ALL THE BEST,BERNICE SHAHEEN 9th ANNUAL 2006 JACK G. SHAHEEN MASS COMMUNICATIONS SCHOLARSHIPPurpose: To recognize Arab-American students who excel in Media Studies.Amount: $1000 Eligibility: Juniors, Seniors, or Graduate Students. Must be attending college in the 2006-07 academic year. Must be majoring in Journalism, Radio, Television, and/or Film. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA and be a U.S. citizen of Arab heritage.Applicants will send the following to the ADC Research Institute: A one page statement stating you are a US citizen, explaining your goals, and why you merit the scholarship. Two letters of recommendation from Mass Communication professors. Copies of articles, videos, films, etc. Official academic transcripts including your GPA. Permanent home address, phone number, email address; address and phone number during the school year.Deadline: April 12, 2006 Send material to: ADC Research Institute 4201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20008Scholarship will be presented at the ADC's 2006 National Convention.