Thursday, February 03, 2005

Endorsing a two-state solution 2-03-05 Jerusalem Press Conference

Press Conference
Feb. 3, 2005, 11:30 A.M. Notre Dame Center, Jerusalem, Zion Square, Jaffa Road, and Ben-Yehuda Mall


The Rev. Robert W. Edgar, General Secretary, NCC, New York, New York, USABishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr., NCC President (Christian Methodist Episcopa lChurch), Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

Dr. Thelma Chambers-Young (Progressive National Baptist Convention), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA Bishop C. Christopher Epting (Episcopal Church USA), New York, New York, USA

The 11-member group has visited Beirut and Cairo, Israel and Palestine since embarking on its trip Jan. 21. While members of the delegation have expressed hope that peace and a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine are still within reach, this has been a sad journey. Facts on the ground show that time is of the essence and that the moment of opportunity must be seized now. The delegation will affirm that the government of the United States must be alert and take action now.

