Wednesday, August 18, 2004

PR (PALESTINE): Palestinian prisoners' rights demanded 8-17-04

Demands of the Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees are Legal and Human

For Immediate Release

The Palestinian National Committee for International Humanitarian Law (PNCIHL) expresses its deep concern for the deteriorating prison conditions of approximately (7,500) Palestinian and Arab prisoners and detainees. These conditions represent gross violations to the rules of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), most importantly, 4th Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the protection of civilians in time of war, which legally applies on the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The PNCIHL, after examining the demands of the Palestinian prisoners and detainees, reiterates that these demands are legal, humane and just in accordance with IHL, which provides a wide range of protection and rights for prisoners and detainees, including:

Fair judicial guarantees.
Prohibition of torture, cruel treatment and all forms of humiliating and degrading treatment.
Internment in buildings which afford every possible safeguard as regards hygiene and health
Sufficient food in quality, quantity and variety to keep internees in a good state of health.
Practicing intellectual, educational, recreational pursuits, sports and games.
Continuing their studies or academic enrollment.
Receiving visitors, especially near relatives, at regular intervals and as frequently as possible.

Subsequent to the three days of open hunger strike of more than (1,700) prisoners, and in view of the assurances provided by the prisoners regarding the expansion of the scope of the strike to let in the whole prisoners, the PNCIHL expects the Israeli Occupation Forces to assume responsibility of strikers’ safety, and calls upon responding to their legal and human demands, and avoid using violence against them.

The PNCIHL urges the international and humanitarian bodies and all human rights organizations worldwide to intervene to improve detention conditions, as well as demand all High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 to meet their legal and moral obligations, and undertake all necessary measures to oblige Israel to comply with the principles and rules of IHL regarding the treatment of prisoners and detainees.