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“Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Book Signing and Discussion
Professor Basem L. Ra’ad
October 18, 2010 6:00 PM
ADC Heritage Center
1732 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Invites you to a book signing on Monday, October 18, 2010 at the ADC Heritage Center. Professor Basem L. Ra’ad will be discussing and signing his new book “Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean.”
For thousands of years, the region of Palestine and the East Mediterranean has been denied an indigenous voice to narrate an inclusive history. Three major religions ascribe their origins to this part of the world, appropriating and re-appropriating the “Holy Land” time and again. This book offers a powerful corrective to common understandings. It emphasizes the long history of a region called “the cradle of civilization,” and dispels many old and new mythscovering issues related to constructs, claims and terminologies, regional mythologies and religions, invention and exploitation of sacred sites, the alphabet, ancient languages and place names, identity construction, appropriation, self-colonization, and retrieval of ancient heritage. The book shows that ignorance is not always bliss. It is intended for general readership and for students and academics interested in history, religion, biblical studies, politics, archaeology, anthropology, literature, and cultural studies.
Copies of “Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean” will be available for purchase.
Basem L. Ra’ad is a Professor at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. Born in Jerusalem, he received his education in Jordan, Lebanon, the U.S. and Canada, earning a Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1978. He has been an editor and community organizer, and has taught in Canada, Bahrain, Lebanon and Palestine.
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